Good Character and the Future of Our Country

The Caux Round Table has supported the Minnesota Character Council since its inception. We believe that just as good values produce good leaders in business, government and society, so does character produce social justice and sustainable prosperity.

As Heraclitus advised: ethos anthropos daemon – character drives our destiny.

Another sage insight from the Greeks is that “Those whom the gods would destroy, they first deprive of good judgment.”

Americans, at this time of testing and dissention, need once again to hold our virtue dear and put good character first. Good character will resolve the issues we have with each other more quickly, more easily and more effectively than is permitted by our current culture.

As we go to the polls tomorrow, we will exercise the responsibilities of citizens in a republic, responsibilities that demand character in our decision-making, in our compassion and in our resolve to serve our country well.

Our Minnesota Character Council has released a statement of purpose and an invitation to join its work. That letter can be read here.