Please Give to the Max!

Tomorrow, Thursday, November 19, is Give to the Max Day here in Minnesota, a day designation for charitable giving to non-profits and worthy causes and I ask for your support.

For the international members of our network, your gift would recognize the leadership of the Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism for the past 25 years in putting forth the norms and best practices of stakeholder capitalism, what we have come to call “moral capitalism.”

Last year, this approach to improvement of the human condition through innovation and rising living standards, funding more effective public governance and more robust civil society opportunities to advance our moral, social and cultural capacities to fulfill more inclusively our human instincts for moral and aesthetic expression in this morally silent cosmos was ratified by the Business Roundtable and World Economic Forum.

We have added dignity and depth to the agenda of sustainability and responsible enterprise and will continue to do so to the best of our collective abilities.

For the American members of our network, we have taken innovative leadership here in Minnesota to pioneer models of improvement in law enforcement – principles of community policing – and wealth creation among African American families using innovative FinTech smart phone applications.

We would be very grateful for your financial support, especially during this time of social confinements due to the coronavirus.

To contribute, please click here to make a donation suitable for you.

You can also give directly to us via PayPal, if you prefer.

If you would like to mail a check, our address is 75 West Fifth Street, Suite 219, St. Paul, MN 55102.

We also accept wire transfers.  If you would like to donate this way, please let us know.

Anything you can give would be greatly appreciated.