Video of U.N. Event on Covid CRT Participated In

On April 13, I participated via Zoom in “After Covid-19, New Thinking on Creating Real Value and Financing the SDGs?,” which was a side event on the margins of the U.N.’s Economic and Social Council’s 2021 Financing for Development Forum.

The video of the event can be found here (my comments begin at the 24:45 min. mark).

Other panelists included Professor William Black of the University of Missouri-Kansas City; Professor Steve Hanke of Johns Hopkins University; Professor Stephanie Kelton of Stony Brook University; and Joe Oliver, former Minister of Finance and Minister of Natural Resources for Canada.

It was moderated by Daniel Mitchell, Chairman of the Center for Freedom and Prosperity.

The event is about an hour and a half in length.

It was conducted by the Convention of Independent Financial Advisors and co-hosted by the Permanent Mission of Uruguay to the U.N.