Is Our Politics at Odds with Our Civics? Please Help Us Draft a Statement

Looking at the United States at the present time and considering trends and decisions over the past four years, our times “seem out of joint”.

Executive orders in Washington, a Minnesota House of Representatives that cannot convene.

What was once in place for good civics to happen out of their own sense of right and fair seems to have gone missing.

It has been said these past few years, though more on the right than on the left, that politics is downstream of culture.  So, if politics is of concern, we should look first to culture.  Civics is shaped by culture, so maybe the pundits have it backwards – culture is downstream from politics.  Bad politics can make for bad civics.

Where then is the fulcrum on which the lever of good civics can rest to balance our needs and wants, our agreements and our disagreements, our gender agendas and our racial discontents, our communication of our truths and our use of law to overcome our insecurities?

Or rather, is it a fulcrum of civics – no longer taught much at all – that we need on which to rest the lever of politics, as it seeks to check extremes and balance passions with interests, ideologies with compromises?

A public statement of wise advice is needed to share with our politicians and educators.  Will you help us draft one?

Please join us for an in-person round table over lunch at noon on Tuesday, February 25, at Landmark Center, room 430, in St. Paul.  The topic on the table will be “is our politics at odds with our civics?”

Registration will begin at 11:30 am.

Cost to attend is $20, which you can pay at the door.

To register, please email

The event will last between an hour and hour and a half.

Can Donald Trump Deliver Moral Government? Please Join Us on Zoom January 30

This coming Monday, January 20, at noon, Donald J. Trump will take an oath for a second time to “faithfully execute the office of President” of the United States.

Trump has caused no little controversy in recent years.  That phenomenon is not likely to stop once he becomes president again.

As you reflect on the current condition of the U.S., the changes in the flow of power among nations and international organizations, the track record of Donald Trump, where would you put priority in seeking to promote high standards of trusteeship of the public good?

Please join us at 9:00 am (CST) on Thursday, January 30, for a Zoom round table discussion on Donald Trump and moral government.

To register, please email

The event will last about an hour.

You may read a copy of our ethical principles (second set on page) for moral government here.

Please Share Your Thoughts with Us about the U.S. Election – Tuesday, November 19

Today, I write before going out to vote in our national election.  Who will win and who will lose are not small matters.  The destiny of this country and the world will turn on that outcome and on which party will have the majority in our House of Representatives and Senate.

The polls as to who is most likely to win are so close that few commentators are risking their reputations to predict winners.  And the American people seem so closely divided even though over $1 billion has been spent trying to persuade them to vote one way or another.  Democratic capitalism?

No matter the outcomes here, there will be plenty for all to consider, discuss and plan for.

Please join us on Zoom to share your thoughts and concerns about this election at 9:00 am (CST) on Tuesday, November 19.

To register, please email

The discussion will last about an hour.

Caux Round Table Book Club for 2024: Books and Dates

I have been discussing with our staff and some fellows and interested participants the value to our network of starting a book discussion club in 2024.

Since the formidable works of Adam Smith and Karl Marx, our understanding of capitalism and its alternatives – and of economics, sociology, psychology, politics – has been formed by books.  Those who don’t (can’t) read are at a great loss for not having many contextualizing frames of meaning and narratives with which to think about and rationally act in our world.  They know little about how we got here, what is shaping our lives and where we might go.

Every week or so, it seems to me, there appears one or more new books with relevant contributions to our assessments of the past, present and future.  Too many for me to keep track of.

As we learn from books, we also learn from each other.

We will meet once a quarter by Zoom to discuss a book which has been selected for us to read.

Somewhat haphazardly, we propose these four recently published books:

Power and Progress: Our Thousand-Year Struggle OverTechnology and Prosperityby Daron Acemoglu and Simon Johnson
Why Empires Fall: Rome, America and the Future of the Westby Peter Heather and John Rapley
The Civic Bargain: How Democracy Survivesby Brook Manville and Josiah Ober
Mandeville’s Fable: Pride, Hypocrisy and Sociabilityby Robin Douglass

The times and dates of the discussions are:

-9:00 am (CST) Thursday, February 15 – Power and Progress
-9:00 am (CDT) Wednesday, May 15 – Why Empires Fall
9:00 am (CDT) Thursday, August 15 – The Civic Bargain
9:00 am (CST) Friday, November 15 – Mandeville’s Fable

We will send a notice of meeting and reminders before each date so that you may register to participate.

If the discussions prove fruitful, we can consider adding books and discussion sessions.

I hope this initiative meets with your approval and that you might want to participate.

Please let me know any thoughts you might have on making this initiative as rewarding as possible for participants.

Who is a Citizen and Why Should We Care? Please Join Us for Lunch October 29

Not only in the United States, but in Europe, the question of citizenship is center-stage in politics, culture and society – what is expected of immigrants?  Why do we need citizenship?  Why not let freedom ring globally and have people move anywhere they want, as some are now suggesting?  Just being me anywhere I want to be is a human right, yes?  What should we expect of those who are our neighbors?  What is a nation anyway these days?

Attached here are our Principles for Good Citizenship.

Please join us for an in-person round table at noon on Tuesday, October 29, at the Landmark Center in St. Paul.

Registration and lunch will begin at 11:30 am.

Cost to attend is $20, which you can pay at the door.

To register, please email

The event will last between an hour and hour and a half.

Between Sovereigns – Displaced Persons: What is Their Rightful Place? – Thursday, September 12

Please join us at 9:00 am (CDT) on Thursday, September 12, for a Zoom round table on emigration and immigration – the abandonment of one sovereign and the supplication of a new one.

The August issue of our newsletter, Pegasus, proposed new ways of thinking about the status of those who flee the sovereign protection of the country of their birth to live under the authority of a foreign sovereign in another nation state.  Who is a persecuted refugee?  Who is an economic migrant?  Who deserves asylum?  Who deserves a work permit?  Who can be a resident?

What moral and social duties do refugees, asylum seekers, foreign workers, immigrants – legal or illegal – and those escaping failed states to make a better life for themselves and their families owe to their new sovereign and those who are citizens of that national sovereignty?

When is the tie to one’s birth sovereign broken, abandoned or suspended?  What tie to a new sovereign takes its place, if ever?

Here are two historical examples and one contemporary case of people between sovereigns:

The Pilgrim immigrants to Massachusetts in 1620, depicted with their Native American guests, including Squanto, at the first thanksgiving:

A member of the Patuxet Tribe of the Wampanoags, Tisquantum or Squanto, was likely born around 1580.  When he encountered the Plymouth Colony settlers, he spoke English, having lived five years in Europe, including time at the home of a London merchant.  He proved indispensable to the English settlers at Plymouth, but in the end, was reviled by some of his own people for his role in brokering a treaty that undermined tribal sovereignty.

But without Tisquantum to interpret and guide them to food sources, the Plymouth Colony Pilgrims may never have survived.

Secondly, here are Vietnamese fleeing communism in a boat out in the South China Sea, hoping for rescue or for a safe landing in Thailand or Malaysia (I actually took the lead in April 1975 to arrange resettlement for the first wave of Vietnamese who refused to live under a communist regime and later worked on resettlement for these boat people).

And just the other week, riots in the U.K. between Muslim immigrants and citizens who don’t want such strangers to be in “their” country.

To register, please email

Event will last about an hour.

What’s the Point of Higher Education? – Thursday, September 5

Please join us for an in-person round table over lunch on what’s the point of higher education at noon on Thursday, September 5, at Landmark Center in St. Paul.

Should not education give students a sense of personal identity, an understanding of social harmony, a foundation for moral conduct and the exploration of that which cannot be known?

In the minds of most students and their parents, higher education has become unfulfilling and uninspiring because it has diminished its purpose from teaching critical thinking, virtue, a national/human unifying narrative, and a glorified vocational school.  A real teacher would never commit suicide, as Socrates did, over the teaching of welding or finance.

There are a number of headwinds troubling higher education today, such as cost of tuition, operating in a market without paying attention to the differences among demand, needs and wants and the inability to put first things first.

To the degree that higher education does not fully address these three imperatives, it lives from hand to mouth.

Some discussion starter questions include:

-How shall I come to know anything?

-How shall I conduct my life?

-How shall I be governed?

Please feel free to bring some of your own.

Registration and lunch will begin at 11:30 am.

Cost to attend is $20, which you can pay at the door.

To register, please email

The event will last between an hour and hour and a half.

Zoom Round Table on the Covenants of the Prophet Muhammad and Reconciliation between the Jews and Palestinians — Join us Tuesday, July 23

I have reported, hopefully with good effect, on our providing good offices for the study of the covenants given by the Prophet Muhammad to respect and protect Christians and Jews.

In May, with the gracious permission of the Pontifical Institute for the Study of Arabic and Islam, we convened two meetings in Rome to present in public the importance for today of the Prophet’s covenants.

The book describing the contents and historicity of the covenants written by our colleagues, Professor Ibrahim Zein and Ahmed El-Wakil, can be found here.

Please join us for a Zoom round table at 8:30 am (CDT) on Tuesday, July 23, to discuss the covenants.

Some of those who helped lead this effort will be joining us.

To register, please email

I also attach here a recent commentary of mine published in the Minneapolis Star Tribune on how covenant might be used to bring about reconciliation between the Palestinians and Jews.

The event will last about an hour.

2023 Dayton Award – Wednesday, July 17

The American people do not trust the institutions that sustain their Constitutional Republic.  As of last April, 23% of Americans say they trust the government in Washington, D.C. to do what is right “just about always” (2%) or “most of the time” (21%).  Last year, 16% said they trusted the government just about always or most of the time, which was among the lowest measures in nearly seven decades of polling.  Only 8% of Americans Congress.  Only 14% trust television news and 18% trust newspapers.  Only 26% trust public schools and the presidency.

Without trust, social capital evaporates.  Without social capital, human capital withers.  Without social and human capital, constitutional republics collapse.

Trust emerges when people tell the truth, when what they say can be relied upon.

Telling the truth, then, is necessary for the success of constitutional democracy.

Telling the truth, then, is the moral obligation of leaders in a free society.

For 2023, our board has selected from among those nominated Liz Collin of Alpha News to receive the Dayton Award for her documentary, The Fall of Minneapolis.  In recommending her for the award, she was described as focused on mission, community and government impact, as well as having the vision and prudence of a level 5 leader.  She was credited with having a “powerful mixture of personal humility and indomitable will.”  “Her ambition is first and foremost for the cause of truth, not for herself.”

The award will be presented to her at a lunch at the Minneapolis Club at noon on Wednesday, July 17 and you are invited to join us.

Cost to attend is only $15 (plus tax).

For more information or to register, please click here.

American Education In-person Round Table – Thursday, May 23

Our colleague, Michael Hartoonian, keeps us thinking about how a society can meet expectations of promoting moral capitalism and benefiting from moral government if citizens are not well educated.

America is in crisis – mostly due to elite failure in government and culture.  Our slogan, to borrow from students in our elite educational institutions, might be: “From the Atlantic to the Pacific – America is unhappy.”  The crisis has enveloped all our institutions of education, from pre-K to post graduate.  Failure of educational institutions has aggravated our dis-ease.

One set of data on this is the following chart:

Michael has recently drafted a statement on public education.  I have sent it to the presidents of colleges and universities in Minnesota with a request that they work with us on a Minnesota statement of ethical principles for higher education.  I attach a copy for your review.

Please join at noon on Thursday, May 23 at Landmark Center for an in-person round table over lunch to discuss what needs to be done to address what is both a consequence and a cause of our national anxiety and consequent low expectations of ourselves and our leaders.

Registration and lunch will begin at 11:30 am.

Cost to attend is $20.

Lunch will be provided by Afro Deli.

To register, please email