More Short CRT Videos on Relevant and Timely Topics

We recently posted more short videos on relevant and timely topics which I believe would be of interest to you.  They include:

Uber, Capitalism, and the Law
Who Guards the Guardians?
When Company Culture Shifts
The Importance of Valuation

You can find all our videos on our YouTube channel here.

Also, if you aren’t following us on Twitter or haven’t liked us on Facebook, please do so.  We update both platforms frequently.

September Pegasus Now Available!

Here is the September edition of Pegasus.

In this issue, we include a piece from Steve Young, our Global Executive Director, on whether capital should be a human right. We also include an article from our colleague Rich Broderick on the great Irish potato famine of the mid-19th century and how it still impacts us today.

We would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.

Short CRT Videos on Relevant and Timely Topics

I wanted to let you know that we routinely make short videos on relevant and timely topics that are, in some way, related to our work.

The most recent videos we’ve done include:

The Psychology of Money
Honesty and Valuation
The Business Roundtable and Short-term Capitalism

I would be very interested in your thoughts and feedback.

If you’d like to view more of our videos, our YouTube channel can be found here.

A Special Event to Recognize Two Important Anniversaries: United Nations and Global Compact

Our colleague Isabella Bunn asked that we inform you of the following opportunity:

An upcoming special event being hosted by the U.N. Global Compact to mark the 75thanniversary of the U.N. and the 20th anniversary of the U.N. Global Compact.  Uniting Business Live takes place online over three days: Private Sector Forum (Monday, September 21), Global Impact Forum (Tuesday, September 22), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Business Forum (Wednesday, September 23).  This note provides further information and registration details, in case it may be of interest to participants in the Caux Round Table network.



To mark the opening of the 75th session of the U.N. General Assembly, our special event Uniting Business LIVE from September 21 to 23 will virtually convene leaders from business, government and civil society to showcase their commitment to the U.N.’s mission.

Over a series of three forums, leading chief executives, corporate sustainability experts and business leaders will come together to take stock of the state of the world, address gaps in progress, drive business ambition on the SDGs and highlight cooperative and actional solutions that are ready — today.  These themes will run throughout multi-stakeholder panels, live General Assembly presentations and CEO interventions and will encourage a global, cross-sector dialogue through programme-themed meet-ups, interactive breakout-sessions and exposition booths.

As the world moves from reflection to action, join us to learn how business can take clear steps and demonstrate bold leadership for the Decade of Action to transform business models and economies to become more just and inclusive, ensuring we leave no one behind. 


Complimentary 3-day passes are available to certain designated categories of individuals.  Please refer to the registration tab on the site noted above.  A written request for a pass must be sent to  Otherwise, the registration fee is $299 (USD).


On the link, there is a tab marked “CEO Statement.”  For your reference, I have also attached United in the Business of a Better World – A Statement from Business Leaders for Renewed Global Cooperation.  The statement was developed through the U.N. Global Compact Action Platform on Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, which reinforces SDG #16.  It is well worth reviewing.

I hope you can participate.

CRT 2020 Global Dialogue: Update

Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus and uncertainties surrounding it, we’ve decided to cancel our October 19th Global Dialogue in Caux, Switzerland. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes you.

With that said, we are planning a plan B which would include an abbreviated global dialogue over Zoom for sometime in November or December.

August Pegasus Now Available!

Here is the August edition of Pegasus.

In this issue, we include an article by yours truly on the interdependence among enterprise, government and civil society that the coronavirus has exposed and how we can create and sustain a balance between these sectors. We then, in the second article, specify the alignment with Catholic Social Teachings.

Thirdly is a review by our colleague Rich Broderick on Albert Camus’ The Plague. We thought it timely, given the virus.

Lastly, we include the proceedings from our workshop on policing, held last month.

As usual, I would be very interested in your thoughts and feedback.

July Pegasus Now Available!

Here is the July edition of Pegasus.

This issue contains a very detailed and comprehensive study of the history of slavery and its continuing effects on contemporary political, social and economic structures, from its origins in the ancient world right up to today’s precarious state of affairs.  Its author is our Global Executive Director, Steve Young.

Even though the sources used are in the public domain, a lot of this information is not widely known and may be surprising to you.

We would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.

June Pegasus Now Available!

Here is the June edition of Pegasus.

In this issue, we include country rankings for accumulation of social capital.

We also have two pieces from our editor, Rich Broderick, on how the Caux Round Table principles can help us recover from the coronavirus and a reflection on the insights of Hannah Arendt on the 1930s and 1940s.

I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.

May Pegasus Now Available!

Here is the May edition of Pegasus.

In this issue, we apply our Principles for Business and Government in how we could respond to the coronavirus pandemic.

We also include two additional short pieces about the virus, reflections on the Book of Job and a book review of The Art of Leading, our newly published book.

I would be very interested in your thoughts and feedback.