I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.
Category: News
June Pegasus Now Available!
Here’s the June edition of Pegasus.
In this issue, we include an article on opportunity costs and another on recentering moral capitalism.
We also run the MBA Oath, which was founded in 2009 in the aftermath of the financial crisis by graduates of the Harvard Business School to be a Hippocratic Oath for managers.
I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.
With Regrets – Cancellation of Global Dialogue at Mountain House
We have been informed that accommodations at Mountain House in Caux, Switzerland this coming July 30 and 31 will be, shall I say, spartan at best.
Other meetings in July have been cancelled so that staff will not be hired. Reception support, meal preparation and cleaning will be provided on a minimal acceptable basis.
After discussion with our board, we have decided to cancel our planned Global Dialogue. I am concerned that participants will inconvenience themselves with travel and time, but not experience Mountain House at its best. Support for last minute travel issues, etc., as they arise, may be lacking as fully needed by our participants.
Regretfully and with apologies, therefore, we are cancelling this year’s Global Dialogue at Mountain House.
I am exploring options for convening a Global Dialogue yet this fall in another venue in Europe.
May Pegasus Now Available!
Here’s the May issue of Pegasus.
In this edition, we seek to answer 2 questions: 1) what do we understand as the proper relationship between moral and legal behavior and 2) what do we recognize as the proper tension between private and social benefits?
In that vein, we include an article on directors of moral systems and another on surviving speed and complexity.
We also include a piece I did on purposeful boards of directors, which was published by the Singapore Institute of Directors earlier this year, as well as an announcement about the 2021 Dayton Award, which was awarded back on May 6.
I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.
April Pegasus Now Available!
Here’s the April edition of Pegasus.
In this issue, we include 2 articles on friendship and selections from the social teachings of the Russian Orthodox Church as it seeks to shape Russian national identity.
I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.
Please Join Us Friday to Advocate for Better Community Policing in Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Human Rights has concluded that the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) has, for years, unfairly policed the city’s African American community. The department’s report, however, had few recommendations for solving the problem. In the main, the report looked to a new inspectorate to supervise policing through the review of complaints.
The Caux Round Table for Moral Capitalism has proposed a solution: integrate the police with the community around aptitudes and skills in service. In short, to hire police for character first and then train them for competence.
The Caux Round Table also advocates certain principles for moral government. The foundational principle, supported by many wisdom traditions, is that public office is a public trust. That standard obligates police to be fiduciary trustees for our well-being and prosperity – for the well-being and prosperity of every citizen. Trustees should always strive to be persons of high and noble character.
This vision of just policing is not new. It was first proposed in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel when he created the first modern police force – the London Metropolitan Police.
Now, happily, the department’s report endorses both the Caux Round Table’s solution and the Peel Principles for community policing. The report says “Second, MPD must move quickly to improve the quality of its trainings. At its root, policing is a public service. Trainings for new officer hires and veteran officers, therefore, should significantly shift in tone from a paramilitary approach to a public service approach.”
Sir Robert insisted that community policing was to “prevent crime and disorder, as an alternative to their repression by military force …” He, therefore, proposed that “the police are the public and that the public are the police, the police being only members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties which are incumbent on every citizen in the interests of community welfare and existence.”
We believe that in 2022, the State of Minnesota has an opportunity to take the best of Peel’s Principles and integrate them with what is now known regarding community/police shared values and character-based peace officer selection. Minnesota could lead the nation in establishing a new model of policing (i.e., a Minnesota Model). This new model could be codified and utilized to positively influence all future public safety initiatives, resulting in increased procedural justice, mutual trust, cooperation and safety for all.
To give public support to this best practice of community policing, we are presenting this Friday at 8:30 am at Landmark Center our Dayton Awards to the retiring chiefs of police in Minneapolis and St. Paul for their personal commitment to policing as a public trust.
Please join us as we recognize chiefs Medaria Arradondo and Todd Axtell by registering here.
The event is free and will last about an hour.
March Pegasus Now Available!
Here’s the March edition of Pegasus.
In this issue, we include articles on a civic business and the elusive democratic mind, as well as 2 short commentaries from readers.
I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.
January Pegasus Now Available!
Here’s the January issue of Pegasus.
In this edition, we include an open letter to educators and our 2021 Year in Review (annual report).
I would be most interested in your thoughts and feedback.
Pegasus: Seeking Letters to the Editor
As we recently announced, we’ve added a new letters to the editor section to our monthly newsletter, Pegasus.
Please submit for consideration letters on subjects that are of interest to you, but also relevant to our work.
You can simply respond to this email with your letter or email them to jed@cauxroundtable.net.
Caux Round Table Now on Substack!
The Caux Round Table is now on Substack!
We posted our first article, “Capital: A Basic Human Right?,” earlier this week.
Please forward this information to your friends and colleagues.
We’ll be posting frequently.