
2025 Global Dialogue Postponed

The Caux Round Table 2025 Global Dialogue, in partnership with the Convention of Independent Financial Advisors and Center for Professional Ethics at Marymount University, is postponed until October.

The later date will better accommodate a number of potential speakers and interested participants.

Shortly, we will send you an invitation with the new dates and proposed agenda, along with relevant information on registration and accommodations.

“… Error of Opinion May Be Tolerated Where Reason is Left Free to Combat It.”

Last Friday, U.S. Vice President J.D. Vance offended many European leaders with a short speech at the Munich Security Conference.

Vance spoke frankly as guided by his values.  But, given his audience and his objective of bridging differences between some in Europe and the Trump Administration, whether he was appropriately tactful and sufficiently gracious is less certain.

But what struck me was how fully he spoke in support of one of the foundational best practices advocated by the Caux Round Table’s Principles for Moral Government – discourse.

Here are excerpts from Vice-President Vance’s remarks:

Free speech, I fear, is in retreat …

Now, to many of us on the other side of the Atlantic, it looks more and more like old entrenched interests hiding behind ugly Soviet era words like misinformation and disinformation, who simply don’t like the idea that somebody with an alternative viewpoint might express a different opinion or, God forbid, vote a different way, or even worse, win an election. …

I believe deeply that there is no security if you are afraid of the voices, the opinions and the conscience that guide your very own people. …

And of course, we know that very well.  In America, you cannot win a democratic mandate by censoring your opponents or putting them in jail.  Whether that’s the leader of the opposition, a humble Christian praying in her own home, or a journalist trying to report the news.  Nor can you win one by disregarding your basic electorate on questions like who gets to be a part of our shared society. …

I believe that dismissing people, dismissing their concerns or worse yet, shutting down media, shutting down elections or shutting people out of the political process protects nothing.  In fact, it is the most surefire way to destroy democracy.  Speaking up and expressing opinions isn’t election interference. …

To believe in democracy is to understand that each of our citizens has wisdom and has a voice. And if we refuse to listen to that voice, even our most successful fights will secure very little.  As Pope John Paul II, in my view, one of the most extraordinary champions of democracy on this continent or any other, once said, “do not be afraid.”  We shouldn’t be afraid of our people, even when they express views that disagree with their leadership. …

Here is the relevant Caux Round Table Principle:

Discourse ethics should guide the application of public power.

Public power, however allocated by constitutions, referendums or laws, shall rest its legitimacy in processes of communication and discourse among autonomous moral agents who constitute the community to be served by the government.  Free and open discourse, embracing independent media, shall not be curtailed, except to protect legitimate expectations of personal privacy, sustain the confidentiality needed for the proper separation of powers or for the most dire of reasons relating to national security.

As U.S. President Thomas Jefferson asserted in his first inaugural address: “… error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.

Caux Round Table Educational Certificates

The Caux Round Table is now offering educational certificates, supported by short video modules, on aspects of moral capitalism.  The certificates are honorary and provided at no cost.

The modules have been grouped into nine playlists, available on our YouTube page.

Each playlist presents various insights into moral capitalism.  The presentations provide my thoughts and observations on implications, conundrums, possibilities and negative externalities associated with capitalism, as we experience it.

After you watch all the videos on a playlist, please click here and follow the instructions to send us your thoughts and so receive in the mail a written certificate.

A separate certificate can be obtained for each playlist.

For additional information, please contact us at

I hope you will take advantage of this opportunity and will gain insights relevant to your career and understanding of our world of possibilities, both good and bad.

Robert MacGregor, a Visionary, Will Be Missed

Robert (Bob) MacGregor, the inspiration for the Caux Round Table Principles for Business, has passed. Bob died peacefully at his home in Illinois at age 92.

To me, Bob brought forward into our age the stalwart optimism and practicality of classic Minnesotan and American achievement.  His premise for action, which he would share with me at the end of nearly every phone call was: “Onward and Upward!”

A graduate of Macalester College in St. Paul, Minnesota and Princeton Theological Seminary, Bob was a pastor.  Then, to improve community, he got into politics in the City of Minneapolis – make things better; don’t be a by-stander; jump in, set goals, care about people, get it done.  For many years, he gave his advice to the Dayton family and their business foundation and community activism.

Learning about the Caux Round Table seeking to integrate responsibility with profit-making by giving priority to stakeholders, Bob proposed principled leadership – act from good principles first and always.  Then, to make such business leadership more attainable around the world, he proposed, to me very much in an American Protestant tradition, putting best practices in writing and holding companies to account.  Working with members of the Caux Round Table, in particular with Jean-Loup Dherse of France and Ryuzaburo Kaku of Japan, Bob facilitated the publication of the Caux Round Table Principles for Business in 1994.

These global principles were the first ethical standards proposed by business leaders.

Working closely with Bob in the drafting of the principles was Professor Kenneth Goodpaster of the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Ken has sent me his reflections on Bob’s contributions and having given us the benefit of a worthy life, lived honorably and with passion and dedication.  I include Ken’s reflections here:

A Grateful Remembrance

Bob MacGregor (1933-2025)

Bob MacGregor accomplished so much in his 92 years that it would be impossible in this note to comment meaningfully on it all.  Others have and will provide such a commentary in other places.  My friendship with Bob began thirty-five years ago in 1990, when he led the Minnesota Center for Corporate Responsibility (MCCR), housed at the University of St. Thomas.  Bob contributed enormous energy to the development of what became known as the Minnesota Principles for Business.  We developed these principles of business conduct because more and more frequently, Minnesota multinational companies doing business around the world were encountering cultural differences that posed dilemmas for management trying to act conscientiously – trying to do “the right thing.”  These companies had turned to the MCCR for guidance.

Charles Denny, CEO of ADC Telecommunications (a member of the Caux Round Table, as well as MCCR), shared the Minnesota Principles in the very early 1990s with the Caux Round Table at its annual meeting in Switzerland.  The reaction was more than positive.  The participants wanted to adapt the Minnesota Principles as trans-cultural moral principles for business and call them the Caux Round Table Principles for Business.  Bob and the MCCR agreed and the adaptation concluded about a year thereafter.

One might reasonably ask whether these principles are as relevant today as they were 35 years ago.  In my opinion, the answer to this question is “Yes – but with a cautionary note!”

The platform on which the Caux Principles were built was a pair of ethical ideals, one central to Eastern thought (kyosei: living and working together for the common good) and the other central to Western thought (human dignity: the sacredness of each person as an end, not simply as a means to others’ purposes).  These two ethical ideals remain central in their traditions and because of this, continue as anchors for the Caux Principles today.

The seven general principles that the leaders of the Caux Round Table agreed upon are also relevant today as guidelines for corporate conscience and moral capitalism.  And the consideration urged by the Caux Principles to the six stakeholder groups: customers, employees, owners/investors, suppliers, competitors and communities, continues to be relevant (if not more relevant) today in our new age of Artificial Intelligence.  The Caux Principles remind us that our digital creations must themselves be fashioned with careful, explicit moral guidance.

Why the cautionary note (and I know from personal conversations with Bob before his passing that he strongly agreed with this)?  The answer lies in context of contemporary business decision-making.  The Caux Principles originated as a transcultural guide to the decision-making of business leaders within their own business organizations.  They put to rest doubts about whether there could be shared moral values – consciences – among businesses across cultural boundaries as businesses became more global.

What the Caux Principles did not anticipate was the polarization and politicization of corporations that we have witnessed in the last two decades.  The implications of this reality, especially in the United States, have been troubling – because they seem to have drawn business decision-making out of the internal moral reflection envisaged by the Caux Principles.  Instead, corporations have been invited to “take sides” in partisan contests that are controlled more by external pressures than by independent moral judgments.  Business ethics is becoming supplanted by business politics – with the result that corporate consciences and the guidelines that have been offered to them – may have been outflanked.

So, are the Caux Principles still as relevant today as they were 30 years ago?  Yes indeed, but with this cautionary note: Corporate leaders and their employees must return to the shared moral reflection that they practiced when the Caux Principles were adopted – avoiding the temptation to be absorbed into the partisan public sector.  This was Bob’s dream and the dream of the original architects of the Caux Round Table Principles.

Kenneth E. Goodpaster
Professor Emeritus
University of St. Thomas (MN)

The Trade Wars Begin!

Donald Trump has “Cried Havoc! and let slip the dogs of war” – trade war, that is – to bay at and harass the good people of Canada and Mexico, America’s largest trading partners.  He imposed a tax of 25% on imports to the United States from each country.

He said he did this to pressure Canada and Mexico to do more to protect America’s borders from illegal immigration and to stop the importation by Americans of the drug, fentanyl.

This is Godfather stuff: “Give them a deal they can’t refuse!”

An apt comment is: “Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first make mad.”

(In verses 620–623 of his play Antigone, Sophocles wrote: “Evil appears as good in the minds of those whom god leads to destruction.”)

Mexico and Canada immediately reciprocated, taxing imports from the U.S. to their countries.

Now, if we ask the old question “Qui bono?” – to whose benefit? – asked by the ancient Roman judge, Lucius Cassius, and passed on to us by Cicero in one of his orations against dictatorial Mark Antony, the most likely answer is: “No one.”

The immediate effect will be fewer goods showing up in American markets and higher prices for whatever is imported, both eventualities lowering the real American standard of living.

Canadian and Mexican manufactures will not likely lower their net profit margins by whatever it takes to match the 25% increase in gross sales prices to be paid by American consumers so that Trump’s taxes will have no effect on American consumers.  As the prices on Canadian and Mexican goods go up, the quantity sold to Americans will go down.  That is the law of human nature – marginal utility curves.

In the 1930s, the American Smoot Hawley tariffs contributed to worsening the worldwide great depression, adding momentum to the rise of Hitler and Mussolini and so contributing to World War II, which killed a lot of people.

Trump’s taxes on imports will also lower economic output in Canada and Mexico.

It’s a win/lose game of chicken.  Who will blink first?

On January 31, Trump also mentioned imposing taxes on goods imported from the European Union and, in general, on computer chips, steel, oil, gas, copper and pharmaceuticals.

With his tariffs, Trump has violated the Caux Round Table Principles for Business:

Principle 5: Support Responsible Globalization

A responsible business, as a participant in the global marketplace, supports open and fair multilateral trade.  A responsible business supports reform of domestic rules and regulations where they unreasonably hinder global commerce.

His tariffs are a form of “brute” not moral capitalism, consistent with the thinking of Herbert Spencer, who argued that humans, like all other members of the animal kingdom, do not have a moral sense, only a predatory instinct to kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, whereby only the fittest survive, while the rest find themselves dishonorable graves (see Chapter 3 in my book. Moral Capitalism).

The first meeting of the Caux Round Table was convened at Mountain House in Caux, Switzerland, to discuss ending the trade war between Japan and the U.S./E.U., triggered by Japanese capitalistic prowess in making consumer electronics and automobiles of better quality and at lower cost than the Americans and Europeans were able to do.

By raising their cost, the American and European governments prevented their citizens from personally benefiting from Japanese innovations and quality improvements.

On their side, however, the Japanese restricted the import of American agricultural products to protect Japanese farmers and their small rural communities, which were no longer price competitive.

The business leaders gathered at that first meeting of the Caux Round Table came to an agreement on ethical grounds that all deserve access to the fruits of Adam Smith’s “invisible hand” that, through ethical, reciprocally balanced relationships and cooperation, improves quality, increases quantity and lowers prices through innovation.

In this regard, consider what DeepSeek just did to the demand curve for AI.

Is Our Politics at Odds with Our Civics? Please Help Us Draft a Statement

Looking at the United States at the present time and considering trends and decisions over the past four years, our times “seem out of joint”.

Executive orders in Washington, a Minnesota House of Representatives that cannot convene.

What was once in place for good civics to happen out of their own sense of right and fair seems to have gone missing.

It has been said these past few years, though more on the right than on the left, that politics is downstream of culture.  So, if politics is of concern, we should look first to culture.  Civics is shaped by culture, so maybe the pundits have it backwards – culture is downstream from politics.  Bad politics can make for bad civics.

Where then is the fulcrum on which the lever of good civics can rest to balance our needs and wants, our agreements and our disagreements, our gender agendas and our racial discontents, our communication of our truths and our use of law to overcome our insecurities?

Or rather, is it a fulcrum of civics – no longer taught much at all – that we need on which to rest the lever of politics, as it seeks to check extremes and balance passions with interests, ideologies with compromises?

A public statement of wise advice is needed to share with our politicians and educators.  Will you help us draft one?

Please join us for an in-person round table over lunch at noon on Tuesday, February 25, at Landmark Center, room 430, in St. Paul.  The topic on the table will be “is our politics at odds with our civics?”

Registration will begin at 11:30 am.

Cost to attend is $20, which you can pay at the door.

To register, please email

The event will last between an hour and hour and a half.

More Short Videos on Relevant and Timely Topics

We recently posted a couple more short videos on relevant and timely topics.  They include:

The Way of the Viking

The Comfort of Complexity

Some Thoughts on Healthcare

All our videos can be found on our YouTube page here.  We recently put them into 9 playlists, which you can find here.

If you aren’t following us on Twitter or haven’t liked us on Facebook, please do so.  We update both platforms frequently.

Update on 2025 Global Dialogue and Request for Feedback

Recently, I sent you a save-the-date notice for our 2025 Global Dialogue to be held at Marymount University in Washington, D.C.

This is a short additional notice with more information and a request for your suggestions.

Our current estimate of a registration fee to cover room arrangements, food, support for speakers and overhead is in the range of $900.

There are the Hilton, Westin, Holiday Inn, Comfort Inn and Residence Inn locations within walking distance of Marymount’s Ballston Center campus.  However, the Placemakr is nice, only 50 feet away and less expensive.

I am hopeful of securing a venue in the Capitol for our sessions on Sunday, April 13.

Please let me know your suggestions for round tables and possible speakers and participants. Again, the overall theme of the dialogue will be a new global ethic.  You can simply respond to this email.

I am intending to ask a former director of U.S. national intelligence, a foreign policy expert in Moscow associated with the Valdai Discussion Club, which advises President Putin (by Zoom), the presidents of several think tanks, a leading journalist involved daily with analysis of American politics and experts on Ukraine, Israel and China, to join us as speakers or participants.  Our colleagues at Marymount are thinking of asking a member of the U.S. Senate to share thoughts on the new Trump Administration.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Can Donald Trump Deliver Moral Government? Please Join Us on Zoom January 30

This coming Monday, January 20, at noon, Donald J. Trump will take an oath for a second time to “faithfully execute the office of President” of the United States.

Trump has caused no little controversy in recent years.  That phenomenon is not likely to stop once he becomes president again.

As you reflect on the current condition of the U.S., the changes in the flow of power among nations and international organizations, the track record of Donald Trump, where would you put priority in seeking to promote high standards of trusteeship of the public good?

Please join us at 9:00 am (CST) on Thursday, January 30, for a Zoom round table discussion on Donald Trump and moral government.

To register, please email

The event will last about an hour.

You may read a copy of our ethical principles (second set on page) for moral government here.